Get to Know Me


My friends told me I should talk a little bit about myself in this section, so I’m answering five questions.


How old are you? Where do you live?

That’s two questions, actually. I am 8 and I live in Idaho. We don’t have an ocean here, but my family likes to go to the beach whenever we can.

How did you come up with the design for Logan Saves Sharks?

I wanted to let people know that they could save sharks. And I wanted the poster to look very shark-y, so I added shark teeth.

What made you want to save sharks?

I learned about shark finning a couple of years ago and it made me upset. When I told people about shark finning, a lot of them didn’t even know what it was. It’s when people cut all the fins off living sharks and then throw the sharks back into the ocean. The sharks can’t swim without their fins, so they either bleed to death or drown. Can you imagine an ocean animal drowning? Why would people do this? It’s because shark fin soup is a popular delicacy in some countries.

The idea of shark finning was enough to make me want to do something, but as I read more, I realized that a healthy shark population is necessary to keep the ocean’s ecosystem functioning.

Why did you choose to partner with Shark Angels?

They really care about sharks and they think kids can help save them.

What are a few of your favorite things?

SHARKS! But I also really like dinosaurs and hockey.

I love my brothers and sisters!

I love my brothers and sisters!

Beach clean up day!

Beach clean up day!

Sharks I’ve adopted.

Sharks I’ve adopted.