Cool Facts About Sharks

The more you learn about sharks, the less scary they become! Here are my favorite facts about them.


1. You are more likely to die from a bee sting, lightning strike, falling coconut, or poorly-planned selfie than a shark bite.

2. Sharks cannot swim backwards.

3. Sharks do not have bones, but instead are entirely made up of a tough cartilage. This is why sharks lose teeth so often – there isn’t a bone to anchor them.

4. Most shark species have between five and 15 rows of teeth.

5. Sharks can replace lost teeth in as little as 24 hours and may go through as many as 30,000 teeth during their lifetime.

6. Sharks have a strong sense of smell – they can detect one drop of blood in 100 liters (26 gallons) of water.

7. Sharks have been alive for over 400 million years and have survived five major extinctions.

8. There are over 470 different species of sharks.

9. Most sharks give birth to live young, but some species do lay eggs.

10. Most sharks are ectotherms, which means that their body temperature matches the water around them. However, five species of shark (including the Great White) are endotherms, which means they can raise their body temperature to be higher than the surrounding water.